FAQs – First Metro Asset

Frequently Asked Questions

Read the experts' answers on the most common questions about mutual funds

You only need to fill-out the Account Opening Form (Manual or Online) and present at least one (1) valid government-issued ID to get started.

The required initial investment to open a new account is Php5,000 for every peso-denominated fund and $1000 for dollar-denominated fund.

Additional investment thereafter is a minimum of Php 1,000 for every peso-denominated fund and $100 for dollar-denominated fund.

You may add to your investments daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.

Find out how much you need and how often you should invest to reach your goals with this helpful tool.

There are three kinds of fees when you invest in a fund.

The Management Fee is already computed in the Net Asset Value Per Share (NAVPS).

The Sales Load is charged for every subscription or investment you make in the fund. This is based on how much your subscription is.

The Exit Fee is a fee charged to investors when they redeem partially or fully within a certain period from the date of investment.

Mutual Funds are not deposit instruments. Therefore, gains from mutual funds are not guaranteed.

The fund manager’s role is to maximize returns for the investing public by seeking opportunities and minimising risks. They determine the best stocks, bonds, or other securities to fit the strategy of the fund as outlined in the prospectus.

The NAVPS are net of tax.

Mutual funds are invested in baskets of securities that vary depending on the type of fund.

Mutual funds do not have maturity periods which means that the shareholders can actually sell their shares on any banking day.

Most mutual funds however, charge exit fees for short-term investors, and this may vary from fund-to-fund.

A mutual fund is a company where investors with the same financial objective and risk profile pool together funds and invest in various securities such as equities or fixed income. The fund is professionally managed by a portfolio manager who selects the securities , determines the appropriate asset class mix and is watchful of the market to maximize opportunities and optimize returns. Investors are considered shareholders of the mutual fund company. Any gains or losses accruing to the fund shall be shared among the shareholders.

Mutual funds must calculate the price of their shares every business day. This price is called the Net Asset Value per Share (NAVPS) and First Metro Asset is required to publicly disclose this for transparency with our customers. This same price is used for both subscription and redemption transactions.

1st sentence - tech definition of navps market price of all the investments over the total of outstanding shares issued.

At First Metro Asset, we offer mutual fund products for both short-term and long-term goals you may have.

  • Save and Learn Equity Fund

  • Save and Learn Balanced Fund

  • Save and Learn Fixed Income Fund

  • Save and Learn Money Market Fund

  • Save and Learn Philippine Index Fund

  • Save and Learn Dollar Bond Fund

  • Save and Learn F.O.C.C.U.S. Dynamic Fund

  • First Metro Consumer Fund

  • First Metro Exchange-Traded Fund

Professional Management




Potential for higher returns


There are two ways you can open an account with First Metro Asset.

A. Manual Account Opening

Fill-out an application form and directly submit to First Metro Asset or any Metrobank branches nationwide together with the requirements.

For the list of requirements view here:



B. Online Account Opening

Go to https://fami.com.ph/open-an-account/ and fill-out the online form. You will need to upload a copy of one (1) valid ID and affix your signature on a blank sheet of paper.

You will be provided with a Temporary Account Number which you will use to make your initial investment via Bills Payment facility of the following banks:


For walk-in payments (cash or check), you can pay directly to our cashier located at head office: 18F PSBank Center 777 Paseo de Roxas corner Sedeño Street, Salcedo Village, Makati.

We also accept payments in our Cebu and Davao Investors Centers.

Once the transaction is completed, take a screenshot of your proof of payment. Then, send it to operations@fami.com.ph You may also “cc” your Relationship Manager.

We follow a cut-off time of 12noon for every transaction. If you made your investment before our cut-off time, it will be processed within the same day.

You will receive the confirmation on the following business day together with your Permanent Account Number which you will use to register to the FAMI Portal and to make additional investments to your account.

To make additional investments, you may also pay via Bills Payment facility of the following banks or online merchants:

Yes. Switching refers to the process of transferring your existing First Metro Asset mutual fund account shares and its equivalent amount to another First Metro Asset mutual fund account.

To switch, accomplish a Redemption Form and a Subscription Transaction form. Indicate the number of shares or amount you want to reinvest. Forward the duly-accomplished Redemption Form and Subscription Transaction form together with one (1) scanned/photocopied valid government-issued ID to operations@fami.com.ph.

Only complete and valid documents received by 12:00NN will be accommodated for processing. Otherwise, your switching request shall be processed on the next banking day.

To redeem your investment and convert a portion (or in full) of your total shares and its equivalent amount to cash, kindly follow these steps:

1. Complete the Redemption Form:

  • Indicate the number of shares or the amount you wish to redeem.

  • Please ensure that you use a separate form for each fund you intend to redeem.

2. Submit the required documents:

  •  Send the duly accomplished form with your original wet signature.

  • Include a scanned or photocopied valid government-issued ID.

Email the documents to inquiry@fami.com.ph for processing.

The Redemption Form is available for download at https://fami.com.ph/tools/

Upon successful processing, the redemption proceeds will be deposited into your nominated bank account.

Proceeds for the redeemed shares shall be made available within 7 banking days.

If you recently changed your details, please accomplish the Update/Change Request Form.

For periodic updating of client records (done every 3 years) as mandated by the regulations, please accomplish the Account Opening Form (AOF).

Send it via email to operations@fami.com.ph together with a copy of your valid ID.

1. Fill-out the Account Certificate Form

2. Pay the applicable processing fee and courier fee, if any:

3. Submit the accomplished form together with proof of payment via email to operations@fami.com.ph.

The FAMI portal is an online platform that lets you access your Statement of Account (SOA) and monitor your investment portfolio at your own convenience.

Please follow the step-by-step procedure:

For Individual click here
For Joint click here
For MIP Account click here
For Corporate click here

Your Client ID is different from your First Metro Asset Account Number.

You can only receive your Client ID after successful registration to the FAMI Portal. The First Metro Asset Account Number is provided to you after you made your initial investment to your newly-opened First Metro Asset mutual fund.

Details you provided when you opened your account should be the same information entered upon registration.

If you recently changed your details, please accomplish the Update/Change Request Form.

For periodic updating of client records (every 3 years) as mandated by the regulations, please accomplish the Account Opening Form (AOF).

Send it via email to operations@fami.com.ph together with a copy of your valid ID.

If you chose to receive the OTP via email, ensure that your mailbox is not full. Please also check your spam folder.

If you chose to receive the OTP via SMS, make sure that the mobile number you entered is the same as the one you provided during your application or your last account update.

Yes. For security purposes, it is only valid for 15 minutes. If you are unable to enter the OTP within this period, please repeat the procedure.

If you enter the incorrect Client ID and/or Password for three (3) consecutive attempts, you will be automatically locked.

This is done for added security to your account with us.

To unlock your FAMI Portal, send an email to inquiry@fami.com.ph with the following details:
Full Name including Middle Name
Mobile Number
First Metro Asset Mutual Fund Type*
Account Number

*Name of the First Metro Asset mutual fund product you opened.

After verification of your identity, we will unlock your account.

Your portal account may not have been properly logged out. Please contact First Metro Asset for assistance: inquiry@fami.com.ph with the following details:

Full Name including Middle Name
Mobile Number
First Metro Asset Mutual Fund Type*
Account Number

*Name of the First Metro Asset mutual fund product you opened.

To reset your password and access again your FAMI Portal, choose Forgot Password from the portal screen and follow the instructions.

You will be asked to enter your Client ID. You can choose whether to receive the system-generated OTP via email or mobile.

Once you received the email or text message, you can now input a new password.

Use this to login again to your FAMI Portal.

To retrieve your Client ID and access again your FAMI Portal, please send an email request to fami@firstmetro.com.ph

Make sure to include the ff. details:

Full Name including Middle Name
Mobile Number
First Metro Asset Mutual Fund Type*
Account Number

*Name of the First Metro Asset mutual fund product you opened.

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