Suitability Assessment – First Metro Asset

Choose the
right fund for you

Are you ready to discover which mutual fund best suits you? Are you looking for maximum growth in the long run or short-term volatilities are fine with you?

Suitability Assessment Form

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Your investment goal is


You are willing to accept some risk to the principal but adopt a balanced approach. Have an investment horizon for more than a year but not longer than 3 years and have low-risk tolerance.

Our recommendation
Fixed Income Funds

Save and Learn Fixed Income Fund

Stable Capital Preservation with FAMI’s Fixed Income Mutual Fund

Save and Learn Money Market Fund

Invest in Steady Growth of Income and Liquidity Through Short-term Debt Instruments

Your investment goal is


You are willing to invest for more than 3 years and have medium-risk tolerance. You want to achieve good returns but are uncomfortable taking high market risks.

Our recommendation
Balanced Funds

Save and Learn Balanced Fund

Long-term Capital Appreciation with FAMI’s Mutual Fund

Save and Learn F.O.C.C.U.S. Dynamic Fund

Diversified Portfolio with FAMI’s Mutual Fund

Save and Learn Dollar Bond Fund

Bonds Denominated in Dollars with FAMI

Your investment goal is


You are willing to invest for at least 5 years or have a long-term investment horizon. You are aware of the volatilities of the prices and still want to invest for potentially higher returns.

Our recommendation
Equity Funds

Save and Learn Equity Fund

Build Wealth For Your Future Without Compromising Your Security

Save and Learn Philippine Index Fund

Build Wealth For Your Future Without Compromising Your Security

First Metro Consumer Fund

Take advantage of Philippine GDP by investing in First Metro Consumer Fund

First Metro Exchange-Traded Fund *

The First Exchange-Traded Fund in the Country.

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